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Welcome to Life at Maidenhead Church

If this is your first look around our website then we are really happy to welcome you.  We hope you enjoy what you read.  There are so many questions that life throws up today, and we’d love to help you find answers to any questions you have.

Fancy a chat first?

If you wanted to have a chat first and have any thoughts to share, please drop us a line.

No invitation necessary, please just drop in!

If you feel like you want to drop in online to our service on Sunday, you can do so here.  Anonymously if you like, no pressure.

In the meantime if you want to find out more about us here

Please contact us here


There has never been a greater urgency to offer practical and spiritual support. We’re switched on to real issues…



How can we thank God for what He has done in our life instead of what He hasn’t done. Worship is transformative …



The transformative power of prayer is God wanting a relationship with you and any good relationship thrives on communication…



Why is the Bible relevant & exciting today? The Bible is still the bestselling book of all time…



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